Aug 19,2016. UPDATE

Neighboring House 2016 INTERSECT BY LEXUS – TOKYO 3rd Anniversary Party

7.25 Mon 19:00 START

INTERSECT BY LEXUS – TOKYO celebrated its third anniversary with a party on July 25th featuring special invited guests from the creative industries and media.

The party was emceed by DJ and writer Robert Harris, who kicked things off by welcoming Tokuo Fukuichi, President of Lexus International. “Thank you, everyone, for coming. We first opened IN-TERSECT in 2013. Our activities since then have been shaped by the advice we received from a wide range of people.” Fukuichi then revealed one of the star attractions of the night: an exclusive oppor-tunity to see the LEXUS LC500, set to debut next spring.

The centerpiece of the party was this luxury coupe LC500 in the ground floor Garage space. Ahead of its spring 2017 release, guests had the chance to see up-close the next stage in the LEXUS story and even take turns sitting in the driver’s seat. Around the bright red LC500 were the car’s chief engineer and designer, on hand to answer guests’ questions and listen to their feedback.

Guests all came wearing red, the dress code for the evening that matched the color of the LC500. This was complemented by the venue lighting and even the drinks and desserts, transforming INTERSECT into a vibrant sea of red. The food featured three kinds of sea bream with rice and foie gras as well as craft beer and wine, all inspired by a modern take on classic Japanese tastes and offering guests a truly fun selection.

Another one of the highlights of the evening was the 3D Signature booth, where guests could don headsets and create their own pictures in an imaginary 3D space. Using the latest technology, guests shared the core LEXUS philosophy of amazing experiences.

To close the party, Lexus International Executive Vice Precident Yoshihiro Sawa thanked the guests for coming. “We hope you enjoyed the music and food tonight. Please look forward to all the amazing experiences we will continue to offer.”

It was a night of fun and interactions between guests and the LC500, the flagship coupe that will wel-come in the next chapter of LEXUS. Conceived originally as a unique hub in the city for people, cars, and lifestyle, INTERSECT BY LEXUS celebrated its third anniversary in a suitably exciting and inno-vative way.